Where Are They Now?

2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015


Tally for the preceding 4 Cohorts

Post-Internship Position 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Affiliated with UW System 6 2 10 6
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Outside UW System 9 8 6 7
Faculty / Research Scientist 0 2 0 1
Other (Private Practice, Consulting Business) 0 2 0 1
Public Agency Mental Health Services 0 0 0 0
Returned to Complete Dissertation 0 0 0 0


Adult Track

Joey Cheung, MA
Clinical Post-doctoral Fellowship at Stanford Medicine

Antoine Lebeaut, MA
Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Washington in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Merranda McLaughlin, MS
Clinical fellow with Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical program

Autism and Developmental Disabilities Track

Emily Fox, MS
Post-doctoral fellowship at Seattle Children’s Autism Center and UW’s Institute on Human Development and Disability

Daisy Hu, MS, DBA
Post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Neurology at UW centered at the UW Adult Autism Center, Seattle Children’s Autism Center, and Alyssa Burnett Center,

Behavioral Medicine Track

Tilda Cvrkel, MA, MS
Elevate Psychology Refugees Northwest (a program of Lutheran Community Services Northwest)

Candice Golembo, MS
Clinical post-doctoral fellowship in rehabilitation psychology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Kristen O’Loughlin, MA, MS
Clinical and research Post-doctoral Fellowship in Post-COVID Conditions at the University of Washington

Megan Weishaar, MS
Clinical Rehabilitation Psychology Post-doctoral Fellowship at Harborview Medical Center

Rebecca Ipiaqruk Young, MS
UWMC Rehabilitation Psychology Fellowship

Child Track

Li Shen (Jess) Chong, MA
Tenured track assistant professor at San Jose State University

Mariah Corey, MS
Post-doctoral fellow at Seattle Children’s Hospital OCD Intensive Outpatient Program and part-time teaching faculty in University of Washington’s Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology Master’s Program

Ana Hernandez, ME, MS
Post-doctoral fellowship at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Carlos Yeguez, MS
Post-doctoral fellowship through Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Deepan Guharajan, MS
Rehabilitation neuropsychology post-doctoral fellowship at TIRR Memorial Hermann in Houston, Texas

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Adult Track

Lily Assaad, MS
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine

Adam Kuczynski, MS
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Washington Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Andrew Rogers, MS
T32 Postdoctoral Training Program at the University of Washington, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Autism and Developmental Disabilities Track

Thanh Nguyen, MA
Post-doctoral position at the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital Autism Center, Seattle, WA

Gabriela Sepulveda, MS
Fellow Non-ACGME in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington

Behavioral Medicine Track

Heather Altier, MA
Post-doctoral Fellowship Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Division of Behavioral Medicine Program, Baltimore, MD

Becca Altschuler, MA
Tampa General Hospital Rehabilitation and Health Psychology Fellowship in Tampa, Florida

Kate Degenhardt, MS
Post-doctoral fellowship at Portland Psychotherapy clinical and research track

Dani Kang, MS
University of Washington Psychiatry & Behavioral Science NIAAA T32 Program (Psychology Training in Alcohol Research)

Erin Mistretta, MA
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, and VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Whitney Morean, MS
Fellow Non-ACGME in Rehabilitation Psychology in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine

Child Track

China Bolden, MS
Postdoctoral Fellow at Seattle Children’s Hospital Seattle WA

Richelle Clifton, MS
Child Health Equity Research Program for Post-Doctoral Trainees (CHERPP-T) University of Washington Department of Pediatrics

Jessy Guler, MS
Post-doc fellowship at University of Washington School of Medicine

Paulina Lim, MS
Post-doc at University of California Irvine Center on Stress and Health

Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Isabel Solis, MS
Post-doctoral Fellowship at Multicultural Assessment and Research Center (MARC) at Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA

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Adult Track

Jennifer Pearlstein
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the UWMC Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Kelly Correa
T32 Fellowship in Biopsychiatry and Neuroscience in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego

Autism and Developmental Disabilities Track

Anthony Osuna
Lecturer UW Master of Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology

Behavioral Medicine Track

Mike Pugh Jr
Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Psychology at West Los Angeles VA Medical Center

Tyler Toledo
Post-Doctoral Residency Program at Vanderbilt Medical Center

Jonathan Yee-jon Tsen
Rehabilitation Psychology Post-doctoral fellowship at Minneapolis MN VA

Marcus Wild
Post-doctoral fellowship at the Center for Excellence in Research on Returning War Veterans at Central Texas VA

Casey Wright
Assistant Professor at the Department of Developmental Sciences at Marquette University School of Dentistry

Juan Pablo Zapata
T32 Fellowship at Northwestern Feinberg in Chicago

Child Track

McKenna Parnes
T32 Postdoctoral Fellow for the UW Primary Care/Behavioral Health Integration

Tina Schweizer
Post-doctoral fellowship at the Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle (EBTCS) in the DBT program

Emma Whitmyre
Post-doc fellowship year at Children’s National Hospital in D.C., in Integrated Primary Care

Alisa Zhao
Help@Hand Evaluation Team, which is part of the Translational Technologies Enhancing High Quality Care (iTEQC) Research Program within the Department of Medicine at UC Irvine

Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Rebecca Williams
Post-doctoral Fellowship at Michigan Medicine/VA Ann Arbor

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Adult Track

Jonathan Reeves
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science University of Washington School of Medicine

Katherine Walukevich-Dienst
Post-doctoral Fellowship: University of Washington, Center for the Study of Health & Risk Behaviors NIAAA

Austim and Developmental Disabilities Track

Daina Tagavi
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Early Autism Research, University of Washington Department of Psychology

Behavioral Medicine

Julia Brechbiel
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Rehabilitation Psychology in the Department of Rehab Medicine at UWMC, Harborview medical center

Kelsey Christensen
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Health Psychology, San Antonio VA Medical Center

Carlene Diets-Lebehn
Post-doctoral Fellowship: University of Washington Primary Care/Integrated Behavioral Health Care

Monica Garcia
Post-doctoral Fellowship: San Diego VA and University of California San Diego Consortium located in La Jolla, CA

Claire Kaplan
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Clinical Neuropsychology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Christina Mueller
Post-doctoral Fellowship: University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Neurology

Child Track

Sarah Danzo
Post-doctoral T32 Fellowship: Puget Sound VA, Seattle Division Primary Care Mental Health Integration

Kiera James
Post-doctoral F32 Fellowship: University of Pittsburgh

Fiona Macphee
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Seattle Children’s Hospital PEARL Clinic Fellowship

Rosemary Meza
Post-doctoral T32 Fellowship: Primary Care Psychiatry/Behavioral Health Integration, University of Washington

Integrated Track

Miji Um
Post-doctoral Fellowship: CESATE Interprofessional Addiction Treatment, VA Puget Sound, Seattle WA

Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Christopher Williams
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, MI

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Adult Track

Brittany Blanchard
Post-doctoral T32 Fellowship: University of Washington Primary Care/Integrated Behavioral Health Care

Nicole Schultz
Post-doctoral Fellowship: University of Washington conducting substance use research

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Lydia Chevalier
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Research and clinical work in the Perini Family Survivors’ Center with survivors of pediatric cancer

Felicia Mata-Greve
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Integrated Primary Care at University of Washington

Ben Nelson
Post-doctoral Fellowship: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with Mitch Prinstein, Ph.D. and Eva Telser Ph.D

Andrea Newman
Post-doctora Fellowship: University of Washington Rehabilitation Medicine in chronic pain with Mark Jensen

Chelsea Siwik
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship: University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in the Osher Center’s Training in Research in Integrative Medicine program

Kelly Polnaszek
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Seattle VA in Rehabilitation Psychology with an emphasis in Neuropsychology

Child Track

Jessica Elizabeth Flannery
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Department of Psychology and Neurosciences at University of North Carolina under Drs. Eva Telzer and Mitch Prinstein

Dorothy Loren
Post-doctoral Clinical Fellowship: Seattle Children’s Hospital in pediatric psychology

William Pelham
Post-doctoral Clincal/Research Fellowship: University of California at San Diego focused on pathways to conduct problems and early onset substance use in children and adolescents

Josie Ullsperger
Post-doctoral Clincal/Research Fellowship: University of Wisconsin, Madison

Integrated Track

Kris Ma
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship: University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine under the mentorship of Dr. Kari A. Stephens

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Adult Track

Jessica Blayney
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors (CSHRB) UW, Seattle, WA

Natalia Garcia
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Mental Illness Research Education Clinical, Centers of Excellence, Veterans Affairs, Mental Health, Veterans (MIRECC) Seattle, WA

Frank Schwebel
Post-doctoral T32 Fellowship: Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA) at the University of New Mexico

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Eva Keatley
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Clinical Neuropsychology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD

Lindsey Knowles
Post-doctoral Fellowship: National Multiple Sclerosis Society Research Fellowship in MS Rehabilitation Research within the UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and the VA MS Center of Excellence West, Seattle, WA

Lakeya McGill
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Maeve O’Donnell
Post-doctoral Fellowship: resilience interventions for youth with medical illness, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Seattle WA

Kala Phillips
Post-doctoral Fellowship: senior fellow, Department of Rehabilitation, UW School of Medicine, Seattle, WA

Elizabeth Scriven
Position: Therapeutic Health Services in Everett with dual-diagnosis

Max Slepian
Post-doctoral Fellowship: research fellowship and staff psychologist position at Toronto General Hospital

Child Track

Kyrill Gurtovenko
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Department of Psychiatry, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

Erika Ruberry
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Clinical fellowship, Child Anxiety team, Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle, Seattle, WA

Caitlin Turpyn
Post-doctoral training completing research study on neuroimaging and adolescent risk behaviors in the Psychology and Neuroscience Department at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Tracey Ward
Clinical post-doctoral fellowship at The Seattle Clinic, Seattle, WA

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Adult Track

Jenn Belus
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship focused on global mental health, HIV, and couples in South Africa at the University of Maryland

Skye Fitzpatrick
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in trauma and addictions, Rutgers University

Libby Marks
Post-doctoral Fellow, Evidence-Based Treatment Centers, Seattle (Adult Anxiety Program)

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Jenn Altman
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Dept of Rehabilitation, University of Washington

Robert Bailey
Post-doctoral Fellow, Primary Care, Seattle VA

Shreela Palit
Post-doctoral Fellowship in pain research, University of Florida

Samantha Lyn DeDios Stern
Post-doctoral Fellowship in clinical neuropsychology, University of Illinois-Chicago

Ariana Tart-Zelvin
Post-doctoral Clinical Neuropsychology Fellowship at the University of Michigan/Michigan Medicine

Juliann Thompson
Post-doctoral Clinical Fellowship at the UCLA Semel Neuroscience in Neuropsychology for stress and trauma

Krystal Trout
Post-doctoral Clinical Fellowship in Health Psychology at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center in Richmond

Child Track

Jen Blossom
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship focusing on prevention and intervention efforts for adolescent depression and suicidality

Stephanie Brewer
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in school-based mental health at the UW SMART Center

Heather Makover
Post-doctoral Clinical Fellowship, Columbia University Medical Center/NY Presbyterian Hospital (Child Psychiatry Dept)

Lexa Murphy
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Seattle Children Hospital’s Innovations in Pediatric Pain and Sleep Lab

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Adult Track

Christopher DeCou
Post-doctoral Fellow, Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center

Brianna Delker
Tenure-track faculty position at Western Washington University Psychology Department

Antover Tuliao
Texas Tech University faculty position

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Hillary Devlin
Post-doctoral Fellowship,The Reeds Center, Manhattan

Michelle Haddad
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Neuropsychology at the Emory University School of Medicine

Abigail Hardin
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology at TIRR Memorial Hermann

Alisha Janssen
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Washington Medical Center

Cameron Randall
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Washington School of Dentistry

Alex Wike
Post-doctoral Fellowship at Harborview Medical Center

Child Track

Lauren Gulley
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Children’s Hospital Colorado

Kristine Louie
Assistant Director, Terrorism and Disaster Program, National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, UCLA

Natalie Miller
Post-doctoral Fellowship, University of Maryland, Child Development Lab

Mark Wade
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital

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Adult Track

Jennifer Cadigan
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors

Andrea Niles
Psychologist, Exponent, Inc.

Mandy Owens
Post-doctoral Fellow, Health Services Research and Development Department, Seattle VA

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Rachel Aaron
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Washington Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

Anne Arewasikporn
Post-doctoral Fellowship, funded by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society through the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine and VA Puget Sound

Ann Clawson
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Neuropsychology at Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins

Larissa Del Piero
Post-doctoral Clinical Fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology, Seattle VA

Jared Israel
Post-doctoral Fellow, Rehabilitation Psychology, Harborview Medical Center

Monica Lindgren
Post-doctoral Clinical Fellow, Adult Clinical Psychology, Dartmouth Medical School

Michael Williams
Post-doctoral Fellow, Adult Rehabilitation and Neuropsychology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Child Track

Anne Arnett
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Washington Autism Center

Nancy Lau
Post-doctoral Fellow, Seattle Children’s Research Institute on psychosocial intervention research

Tyler Sasser
Acting Assistant Professor, PEARL Clinic, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Sarah Wu
Post-doctoral Fellow, Consultation/Liaison and Mood Anxiety Program, Seattle Children’s Hospital

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Adult Track

Christopher Beam
Post-doctoral Research Fellow/Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Gerontology, University of Southern California

Brian Feinstein
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Brianna Turner
Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, Harvard University

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Michelle Accardi-Ravid
Acting Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Harborview Medical Center

Nicole Alberts
Research Associate, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital

Laura Boucher
Staff Psychologist, Structured Intensive Multidisciplinary Pain Program, Northwest Return to Work

Michael Dunbar
Associate Behavioral and Social Scientist, RAND Corporation

Daniel O’Rourke
Clinical Psychologist, Child Anxiety Center, Evidence-Based Treatment Centers of Seattle

Noreen Watson
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Katherine Wright
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Child Track

Joy Gabrielli
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Dartmouth College

Jessica Jenness
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Harborview Injury Prevention Research Center through UW School of Medicine

Jeremy Luk
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of California, San Diego

Adam Miller
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Washington and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Adult Track

Rena Fukunaga
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory, Center for Depression, Anxiety and Stress Research

Blair Kleiber
Clinical Psychologist, DBT Center, Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle

Kimberly Nelson
Research Scientist/Assistant Professor, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, The Miriam Hospital

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Leah Adams
Assistant Professor, George Mason University

Sharon Hsu
Rehabilitation Psychologist, Multicare Good Samaritan Hospital

Renee Madathil
Research Health Science Specialist, VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Joshua McKeever
Psychologist, Tri-City Health Center

Chad Sanders
Post-doctoral Resident, Washington State University

Cory Secrist
Private practice, Washington state

Child Track

Katrina Blomquist
Post-doctoral Fellow, Child Anxiety Center, Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle

Christine Brady
Integrated Pediatric Psychologist, Pediatric Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis

Joshua Kellison
Staff Psychologist, Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Ashley Maliken
Psychologist, Young Adult and Family Center, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital

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Adult Track

Jordan Bonow
Psychologist, VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System

Shira Olsen
Psychologist, Pacific Behavioral Healthcare

Jennifer Villatte
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington

Behavioral Medicine | Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Track

Melissa Buttner
Psychologist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Los Angeles

Melissa Day
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Queensland

Starlyn Hawes-Scholtz
Senior Fellow, CHAMMP, Harborview Medical Center

Salene Jones
Research Associate, Group Health Research Institute

Tierney Lorenz
Research Scientist, Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Indiana University

Child Track

Melanie Noel
Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Calgary

Sarah Ordaz
Instructor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Stanford University

Annie Tao
Attending Psychologist and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Adrianna Wechsler Zimring
Psychologist, private practice

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