Lectures and Seminars

Every psychology resident participates in a required weekly didactic lecture-seminar series. This series is comprised of modules such as professional and ethical issues, diversity issues, diagnosis and assessment, supervision, consultation-liaison, empirically supported therapies, and psychopharmacology. The content of didactics varies with the changing needs and interests of the residents and faculty. Subjects have included interviewing and diagnostic skills, community psychology, therapeutic methods, neuropsychology, treatment of populations with diverse cultural and
personal values, and interprofessional relationships.

In addition, journal clubs in each track meet once a month: general adult psychology, general child psychology, behavioral medicine, and rehabilitation neuropsychology. Residents in the behavioral medicine and rehabilitation neuropsychology tracks will also participate in a weekly neuropsychology seminar. The rehabilitation neuropsychology resident will also participate in bi-monthly fact-finding exercises. Psychology residents are expected to attend ten journal clubs during the course of the year; they can of course attend as many as interest them. The journal clubs meet at various times, as arranged by the coordinator of each journal club.

Psychology residents may attend one or more elective seminars such as: a seminar on Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder taught by Michele Bedard-Gilligan, PhD and Kristen Lindgren, PhD or Dialectical Behavior Therapy Workshop and Seminar taught by Kate Comtois, PhD or residents may also join the psychiatry residents in seminars on Interpersonal Psychotherapy or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy taught by various members of the regular and clinical faculty on a rotating basis. Residents are encouraged to attend lectures in the University of Washington community, including the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences).

Program Lectures and Seminars

    • Didactics
      Thursdays 3:00p – 5:00p
      2024-2025-DidacticsSchedule – Hybrid locations / zoom PDF
    • Grant Writing and Career Development Seminar
      Thursdays 1:00p – 2:00p
      Program Statement
      Grant Writing and Career Development Seminar Schedule 2021-2022
    • Stewardship
      3rd Thursday Stewardship Group each month: 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/19
    • Journal Clubs
      Due to the nature of Journal Club, presenters and topics aren’t typically known far in advance.

      • Adult – General Track 2023-2024
        Last Tuesday of the month from 4:00 – 5:00pm
        Coordinator: Dr. Katherine Walukevich-Dienst kwd1@uw.edu
      • Behavioral Medicine / Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Tracks 2023-2024
        Last Wednesday of the month at 12:00p – 1:00p
        Coordinators:  Dr. Jeff Sherman jeffreys@uw.edu and Victoria Vassall vassal@uw.edu
      • Child General and Autism and Developmental Disabilities Tracks 2023-2024
        First Wednesday of the month at 12:00 – 12:50p
        Coordinator: Kari WIlliams kari.williams@seattlechildrens.org
      • Autism and Developmental Disabilities Track 2023-2024
        Generally first Thursday of the month at 2:30 – 3:00p
        Through the UW Autism Center. Timing can vary.
        Coordinator: Fritz Reitz, PhD freitz@uw.edu

Other Events and Learning Opportunities

  • Annual UW CAMS Training – Cancelled due to COVID, not sure of next start date
  • Annual CPT Training – 9/13 and 9/18 (9:00a-4:30p) – Registration opens July 8th, email link will be sent
  • DBT Training from 2023
    Our training at DBT training is a  three-tiered option:

    1. 2-Day Workshop (2 Mondays – 07/10/23 and 07/17/23)
    2. The DBT SEMINAR meets weekly on Mondays from 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. via Zoom from July 23 through December 18, 2023. The first seminar starts the week after the workshop. [only those in the Adult and Child Track, are eligible]
    3. CLINICAL TRAINING: year long -again only Adult and Child Track residents eligible.
    • July Workshop – 2 Day Workshop Registration open May 2022
      Day 1 – July 11 9:00a – 4:00p
      Day 2 – July 18 9:00a – 4:00p
    • Weekly Seminars
      Beginning July 25, 2022 – June 26, 2023 – Mondays from 11:30 – 1:00pm via Zoom
  • Wilbert E. Fordyce Lecture
    • April 4, 2024 – Michael Nicholas, PhD, University of Sydney, Australia – Interdisciplinary Pain Management in 2024: Personalized health care or a muddle?  5:00pm – William H Foege Auditorium – Genome S060 – refreshments at 4:30
    • January 27, 2020 – Lynn DeBar, PhD, MPH – Sustainable, Patient-Centered, Evidence-Supported, and Behaviorally-Focused Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care: What Will it Take to Move the Dial?
    • January 22, 2019 – Tonya M. Palermo, PhD – Psychological Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Pain: Maximizing Treatment Effects and Reach
    • January 6, 2018 – Michael John L. Sullivan, PhD – Psychological Risk Factors for Delayed Recovery
      Following Musculoskeletal Injury
    • January 10, 2017 – Mark P. Jensen, PhD – A Legacy of Clinical Mastery
    • February 26, 2016 – Lorimer Moseley, PhD – The Brain in Pain: from clinical observations to new treatments
    • January 7, 2015 – Francis J. Keefe, PhD – Coping with Chronic Pain: What We Know and What We Need to Learn